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Wonders of Well-being

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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Memory Slip-up! 2022-07-27 02:45:37
Have you ever walked into a room to get something or to do something and you just stand there feeling empty or your mind blank?. Experts say memory loss id perfectly normal especially as we age.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Hyaluronic acid is a sugar found in many parts of the body, including the skin, eyes, and joints.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Face mapping is a diagnostic tool that originated in ancient Chinese medicine and was used to diagnose body disorders.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Our modern lifestyle & diet does not guarantee that we are consuming the right quantity of zinc.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

NUTRITION IS THE 'NEW NORMAL' 2022-06-23 05:01:34
We all heard this word probably for the first time during 2020 when the world was gripped with the fear of Covid.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Science says that right from birth to 5 years of age, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life, making a lifelong impression.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Over 90% of women say they experience premenstrual symptoms like bloating, headaches, and moodiness.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

With age the levels of collagen in our body deplete. Further it is harder for our body to produce more of it. This is because of reduced fibroblast activity responsible for collagen production in the body.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

DOSE LACTIUM HELP WITH STRESS? 2022-06-27 04:22:21
Do you feel stress when going for an interview or when you are planning to shift to a new house or when your kids are shouting all day and all you want is to relax.
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You've heard the terms weight training and strength training but are not sure what the differences are or which program to use.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Life today is fast-paced, nevertheless, if you scout enough, your kitchen is like a mysterious mall for beauty products!
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Plasticity means brain's flexibility to learn, defined as being easily influenced, trained, or controlled
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

PERIOD PAIN: WHAT’S NORMAL? 2022-06-25 01:28:06
PMS, also known as premenstrual syndrome, affects 90% of women who menstruate. PMS begins a few days before your period and lasts for the first few days of menstruation.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Dehydrated Skin is a condition in which your body lacks water or hydration. It usually occurs in summer, or people with an oily skin.
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BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is one of the most well known and most used way to measure the body composition
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By putting just a little effort every day, you can become a person who is always high with energy and super productive. Let's learn, how to go about it.
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If the “good” bacteria that help you digest food can’t keep up with the harmful bacteria, the “bad” germs can multiply too fast; leading to an imbalance called SIBO
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The immune system of our body or as we should say ‘the defense mechanism’ of our body constantly fights against pathogenic microbes and harmful bacteria.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

These days most of us face Stress in some form or the other – Work Stress , Relationship stress, Stress due to social media , Financial stress , Health stress and so on
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These emotional disturbances are thought to be connected to the rise and fall of hormones before and during menstruation, specifically estrogen - leading to Mood Swings!
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In this article we will try to have a deep insight and penetration of one such thing which is widely known and used as
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When most people mention fat loss, they mean that they want to shrink the amount of body fat on their body without losing mass elsewhere. But do you know that Weight Loss and Fat Loss is not the same thing!!!
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Having soft, shiny and healthy hair is every girl’s dream. But pollution, stress and chemical-based hair products take a toll on our beautiful locks.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

They are on your hands, your mouth, your gut, your brain, and your head. They are everywhere! As you might have guessed, we are talking about microbes.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Let’s be honest, it’s a challenge sometimes, or for some people many times, to work and make it till the end of the day. This mainly happens due to lack of energy.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

You experience stress if you have an excessive amount of work to do or whilst you have not slept well. Stress is a normal reaction the body; and it happens to everyone
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

'Beauty is just skin deep’. Well, isn’t that deep enough? For most people, factors like looks, appearance, skin tone and quality of hair matter a lot.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Menstrual cycle, like every other thing in a human body is a result of hormones. A menstrual cycle is the result of a hormonal dance between the pituitary gland in the brain and the ovaries.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

. In today's day and age, weight gain has become a huge problem throughout the world. The lack of confidence induced by weight gain can even lead you to lose opportunities.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Our brain is one of the most amazing and most studied part of our body. It controls our nervous system thus controlling our actions.
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

Good Nutrition is good aid for the good self-care. Oops that tongue twister! Achieve a good self-care through altering the nutrition
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

HOW TO TAKE ANXIETY HEAD-ON! 2022-06-23 07:35:59
Anxiety is among the most common mental health issues. 1 out of 4 people in India suffers from anxiety, stress, and depression
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Wonders of Wellbeing!

THE SCIENCE OF BEAUTY! 2022-06-27 04:00:53
75% of skin’s protein is made from Collagen that causes skin to appear youthful and responsible for elasticity and softness of skin